We list links and book recommendations at the end of our book „24 Work Hacks„. Here we repeat the links again for „easy clicking“ instead of „painstakingly copying“. Below are the books.
We’ve had coaching and training when we started with Scrum. That was an excellent idea. On our own, we wouldn’t have made it far. Our companions on the way to a lean company:
3M Super Sticky Notes cling to the boards the best. And that’s key. We try to offer sticky notes of different sizes and colors in any room, ready to go.
We don’t have Sharpies in Europe, we’ve got Edding. Their board markers are good, though blue becomes unwipeable after a few months on the board. We once bought 3,000 sipgate-branded black Eddings 360 all at once. They really come in quite handy.
The Franken EL wall boards are light enough to carry a 2mx1m whiteboard around.
You’d like to try Open Friday in your organization?
Santa Maria is damn close to the training you’d like to get? Drop our Scrum Masters a line:
More texts by Corinna Baldauf, who thinks about agile topics all the time, including her spare time:
All photos in this book were taken by Oliver Tjaden, a great companion, who comes by regularly. Thank you very much!
Ole Zapatka captured our vibe in a 1-minute-clip, packed with kids, kitchen and collaboration:
Why do we eat together? Another clip by Ole has got you covered:
You’d like to come by for lunch and sample the food yourself? We’re looking forward to your visit. Right this way:
You’d like to visit an event, to learn more about us and take a tour of the office? You’re welcome! Check out our upcoming events:
Recommended reading
You’ve already devoured our book and are ready for more? We recommend the following excellent books for further reading:
The Machine that Changed the World
Great introduction to Lean: How Toyota led the way towards the second industrial revolution. A good read and a crucial business book.
… and by Lunchtime I Go Home
Real-life report from a German manufacturer about Lean and their improvements. Easy to read and to grasp the concepts. Recommended first contact with Lean.
Lean for Dummies
It’s focused on production, but many concepts carry over to software development. Concise and well written.
The Lean Startup
How to build a startup when you don’t know the product. Required reading for anyone developing new products.
Joy, Inc.
A huge source of inspiration around organizing software development, motivation and sensible working environments. Many exciting ideas, well written.
Kanban and Scrum
Kanban and Scrum Perfect for beginners: to the point, hands-on, with explanations that make your brain “click”.
The Scrum Guide
All Scrum rules in 16 pages. For free!
Agile Retrospectives
The de-facto standard book about retrospectives. Rightly so!
Extreme Programming Explained
Concrete practices for software development. For all those who think about the long term and want better code.
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